3 Pieces of Advice I’d Give My Younger Self (or Every Masseuse That’s Just Starting Out)

As an experienced masseuse, there are three key pieces of advice that I would give to my younger self or to anyone who is just starting out in the industry.

3 Pieces of Advice I'd Give My Younger Self

Advice #1

Firstly, invest in yourself by taking massage courses. When I began providing sensual massages, I was already a professional massage therapist. I quickly realized how much the clients value a professional sensual massage. That’s why I’d strongly recommend taking certified massage courses to any beginner masseuse.

Clients love real, authentic massages, and they often seek out a service that provides both a professional and sensual experience. My advice to anyone considering working as a masseuse would be to get proper training or courses and invest in your skills.

If you are unable to afford it, start with what you already know, learn some new techniques from free resources and invest in massage courses when you have some more money.

This will add tremendous value to your services and allow you to provide even better massages to your clients. Ultimately, this can lead to better work, higher earnings, and more job satisfaction.

3 pieces of sdvice I'd give myself - or every senual masseuse that's just starting out

Advice #2

Secondly, it is important to set your boundaries. Working as a sensual masseuse requires being strong and assertive.

On your way you will meet people (not many, but there will be some) who will try to take advantage of you – get free service, lower prices, get some extra time added to your session or try to convince you to give them extra services that you don’t really provide etc.

Never let anyone cross or push your boundaries, and don’t be afraid to fire clients if they are disrespectful.

Surround yourself with people who respect and support you, and who are invested in your success. This can make a huge difference in your overall well-being, as well as your enjoyment of your work and your life.

Advice #3

Lastly, take care of yourself and make sure to give yourself some time off. As providers who take care of others, we often forget to give a proper attention to ourselves.

And the truth is, you need to take care of yourself first, to be able to provide care for others.

When I started working as a masseuse, I was amazed at how many people wanted to book a session with me and how much I could work and earn. I appreciated my work and was invested in it, but I was also putting a lot of pressure on myself and not taking any time off.

I was scheduling many sessions each day, never wanting to refuse work. While it was fun and intense for a while, eventually I became quite tired and had no work-life balance.

It took me some time to learn how to manage my time better and to realize how important it is to give myself some time off or take a vacation.

It wasn’t an easy process, especially that I was a huge perfectionist and overachiever at that time. But ultimately, changing my approach made a huge difference for me.

In conclusion, my three pieces of advice for anyone starting out in the industry are to invest in your skills, set your boundaries (be assertive), and take care of yourself (take some rest and time off). By following these principles, you can build a successful career as a masseuse while also enjoying your work and your life.

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Sensual massage in Warsaw with Nicole Kaminski

I’m an independent escort based in Warsaw, Poland. On my blog, I write about subjects related to my work: Girlfriend Experience, erotic massage, sensuality & intimacy. You can also find here interesting posts for gentlemen planning to start dating escorts and my Escorts Warsaw Guide.

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