5 signs you need a sensual massage (and how a sensual massage can help in each of those cases.)
Body often tells us what we need. We just need to listen to the signals. Unfortunately, in today’s world we quickly learn to ignore the signals of our bodies or to mute them with a pill, just to be able to go on with our everyday lives and responsibilities.
But what if you started to listen to your body and try to really feel it? It probably would tell you to go straight for a massage session.
So what are the signs you need a sensual massage?
Sore muscles are a strong signal that your body needs some care and rest. Back pain, neck and shoulder stiffness – it’s often a result of working at the desk, working in an unhealthy position, doing repetitive movements, driving a car, sitting long time in one position or simply, being stressed.
Stress accumulates in the upper-back, neck and shoulders muscles, causing pain and reducing the flexibility. When your neck and shoulders muscles are tense for an extended time, it may even cause headaches, migrenes, ear pain or the feeling of loss of hearing.
How a sensual massage can help?
Sensual massage that involves regenerative massage or strong Swedish massage uses techniques that work deeply on your muscles. Relaxing massage combined with deep tissue massage techniques can make you relaxed, reduce the body tension, soreness, reduce the muscle knots and improve your flexibility.
Fast lifestyle or intense job / difficult family situation can make us really stressed and quickly drain our energy. If you feel stressed, if you can feel your body is tense, if you can’t breathe properly, calmly and deeply, if you have sleeping problems (can’t fall asleep, wake up tired), if you’ve been irritaded recently – this all may mean that you’re stressed out or emotionally exhausted.
How a sensual massage can help?
Sensual massage is a very relaxing and soothing session. In a calm atmosphere, with a delicate music, beautiful fragrance oils and with the nurturing touch of the masseuse, you can finally focus on yourself and feel taken care of.
Besides the body-related benefits mentioned before, sensual massage can reduce your stress level, boost your energy and help you regain emotional balance. After a relaxing massage, you will experience improvement in your sleep as well. Relaxing the chest, shoulders and stomach muscles can additionally help you breathe better and in a result, feel better.
If you’ve been feeling constantly aroused recently and you can’t release your sexual tension, if you feel aroused even after you’ve just masturbated, this might be a sign you need some sensual massage.
Maybe you’re not getting an intimacy you need, maybe you’re frustrated with lack of time for dating and your recent habit is to just reduce the sexual tension with a quick masturbation. Don’t get me wrong, masturbation can be healthy and nice. But if done wrong or too often, it’s not that satisfying. And no matter what, masturbation (even with the best VR videos) will never replace an interaction with another human, skin to skin touch, affection, tenderness, cuddling and mutual pleasure.
How a sensual massage can help?
During massage you can experience deep relaxation and a sensual happy ending, during which you can enjoy arousing touch, closeness with the masseuse and explore your desires and needs.
A sensual massage that involves Lingam massage (or even more erotic finale) is an opportunity for you to practise receiving sexual pleasure while focusing on here and now without any rush (instead of just quickly reducing the sexual tension with a focus on the goal: orgasm and ejaculation). After a long, relaxing full-body massage and such an intimate touch, when you eventually reach an orgasm, you feel trully fulfilled and finally can be satisfied.
Stress can take a toll on your sex drive and make you feel no desire at all. Stress increases the production of cortisol (stress hormone), which causes a dramatic drop of the testosterone level in the body. Testosterone is the primary male hormone responsible for sex drive. So, the more long-lasting stress – the weaker sex drive.
If you’ve been feeling no desire at all recently (and you feel it’s rather not typical for you), a sensual massage could be just what you need to help you reconnect with your body and your sexuality.
How a sensual massage can help?
First, a sensual massage will make you relaxed. When you finally feel safe, calm and blissfull, your desire might “unlock” and you may feel yourself getting aroused in the middle of massage just like that, without any additional stimulation.
After the relaxing part of the massage, the masseuse will give you an erotic massage, will tease you and tempt you, which will increase your arousal even more.
Sensual massage can help you relax, awaken your senses and increase your desire, leaving you feeling more calm and peaceful.
Finally, if you simply want to treat yourself to a relaxing and rejuvenating experience, a sensual massage is the perfect way to do it. It’s a wonderful way to take care of yourself and give yourself the pampering that you deserve.
You don’t need to wait untill you feel stressed or experience muscle pain to get a massage. Getting a regular sensual massage can be a healthy habit that prevents you from feeling unwell.
There’s a wise saying “If you don’t make time for wellness, you’ll be forced to make time for illness”. So hopefully, when you decide to schedule your next massage session, it will be just to pamper yourself and keep yourself relaxed and happy.
If you need a sensual massage and are looking for a professional massage in Warsaw, make sure to check out my main page dedicated to massages:
Erotic Massage in Warsaw – Nicole Kaminski
And if you’d like to find out more about erotic massages, visit my blog for more articles.
I’m an independent escort based in Warsaw, Poland. On my blog, I write about subjects related to my work: Girlfriend Experience, erotic massage, sensuality & intimacy. You can also find here interesting posts for gentlemen planning to start dating escorts and my Escorts Warsaw Guide.
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